If you are part of a Category One Cancer Team, and are engaged in cancer treatments that are innovative where your team alone really has the big picture about the treatment and response, consider asking yourself if you want to participate in this effort. We will be asking for a high level of verifiability and accountability especially as we gather critical mass. All subjects will be anonymous - we ask you to pick a State, Country or City and a plant in order to identify yourself (For example, my father has chosen “Wisconsin Oak”). We can work with you to design your own method of sharing data, or you can do it on your own subject to review.

It is critical for collecting data that we do not bias only towards success - please be prepared to share even if treatments do not turn out as hoped.

As we gain momentum we will be prepared to scale the underlying databases and technology so that together, our cancer treatment data can be leveraged by humanity to provide actionable, grounded hope for families with terminal cancer diagnoses.